Delivery terms

Our delivery service works 10:00 - 20:00, Sunday 11։00-20:00, including holidays. Shipping is carried out by our company's senders at any address in the city of Yerevan. Delivery is carried out within 3 hours after receipt of the order.

Please enter recipient address correctly

Please be careful when specifying the address and telephone number of the recipient. To ensure that your order is delivered at the right time, make sure you miss several important details:
If the cake is to be delivered to the hotel, please indicate the recipient’s name, as well as the hotel number.

In case of submitting an incorrect address:

If the order has not been delivered to the customer because of an inaccurate or incomplete address, we will contact you to inform the address and time the recipient can receive his order, in case we were not able to contact you earlier for receiving the correct information.

If the recipient is not at home

If the recipient is not at home for any reason, the confectionery is issued to homeowners, neighbors, or partners. If the confectionery products are not available to anyone, we turn to the client for further recommendations.

Notifications after delivery

Immediately after the delivery of the order you will receive a delivery confirmation letter via e-mail.

Administrative districts Shipping cost
Achapnyak 600 ֏
Malatia-Sebastia 600 ֏
Davtashen 700 ֏
Arabkir 700 ֏
Kentron 700 ֏
Shengavit 700 ֏
Qanaqer-Zeytun 800 ֏
Avan 800 ֏
Nork-Marash 800 ֏
Nor Nork 800 ֏
Erebuni 800 ֏
Nubarashen 1100 ֏
Jrvezh 1100 ֏
Order cancellation

If you want to cancel or change your order for any reason, let us know, please. We will immediately accept your request for termination or change as it was submitted prior to delivery of the product or preparation time. For this reason, you need to notify us at least 24 hours before the order is canceled or changed. In this case the customer receives a refund of 90%. The order cannot be canceled and the customer does not receive a refund if the cake is already prepared for the delivery.

Dan Dessert

Good reputation, unique taste, high quality, compliance with food safety standards, constant monitoring of storage time and reasonable prices.